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City Council Meeting

The City of Boulder will hold a regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Monday, June 19th at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall (304 North Main Street).





MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2023

6:30 p.m. at City Hall


The public is encouraged to participate in person,

or via Zoom at:


Meeting ID:  314 750 1763

To join Zoom via traditional phone only:

Dial 1-646-558-8656, enter 314 750 1763 followed by the # key

When asked for participant ID, press # key 


For comments pertinent to items being discussed during THIS MEETING, members of the public will be afforded an opportunity to address the council on every matter coming before the council immediately in advance of the vote and in accordance with established Council Rules of Procedure.

  1. The Mayor or Council may limit the amount of time for comments if they become extensive.

  2. If the speaker begins to infringe on the right to privacy of another, the Mayor or Council may interrupt and end the comments on that issue.

  3. These comments must be pertinent to the topic under consideration. There is an opportunity for open comments at the end of the meeting.

●        Open Meeting Call to Order

●        Pledge of Allegiance 

●        Roll Call  

●        Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)

5/15/2023 Council Meeting

6/5/2023 Buildings for Lease or Rent

6/12/2023 Budget Meeting

●        Approval of Agenda

●        Requests of elected city officials for absences exceeding 10 days or participation by telecommunications.

●        Communication for Public Record (Ex parte Communications)

●        Constituent issues-reports from the Mayor and Council members

●        Consent Agenda to include:

o   Mayor Report                                                                                                        

o   Ambulance Report

o   Fire Report

o   Public Works Report

o   City Court/Sheriff Reports

o   City Attorney Report

o   Community Improvement Coordinator Report

o   Reports from Clerk

o   Cash/Bank Reconciliation, May 2023

o   Statement of Revenue Budget vs Actual, May 2023

o   Statement of Expenditure Budget vs Actual, May 2023

o   Utility Billing Adjustments, Charges, Receipts, Delinquent Accounts for May 2023

o   Ambulance Write-offs & Collections for May 2023

●        Correspondence:

o   Notice of Montana Coal Endowment Program Grant Award

●        Committee Reports

o   Planning Board

o   Chamber of Commerce

o   Cemetery Advisory Committee

o   Finance/Investment Committee

●        Old Business

      1.   Continuation of 3/20/2023 public hearing & 2nd reading of Ordinance #2023-01 for:

                  a) repealing & replacing Title 9, Chapter 90 “Animals”

●        New Business

1.       Discussion & determination on Connie Smith Day Proclamation

2.       Discussion & determination on City of Boulder Fee Schedule (Resolution #2023-02-R)

3.       Discussion & determination on Resolution #2023-04-R Amending the ARPA Funds

4.       Discussion & determination on Donation of Columbarium

5.       Discussion & determination on Kiwanis Club Firework Stand

6.       Discussion & determination on amendable water bill in exchange for well placement at MHP

7.       Approval of City record destruction request

Unscheduled Matters

Note: An item that is NOT listed on the agenda for the current meeting may be discussed during the session at the discretion of the presiding officer. However, the purpose of such discussion shall be to decide whether to schedule the item for discussion and vote on a subsequent agenda. The Council shall decide on no item of significant interest to the public without prior notice to the public as a scheduled Council agenda item.

●        Open Public Comment

●        Authorization to pay bills

●        Council Agenda suggestions for the next meeting to be held on Monday, July 17, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.

●        Adjournment

Earlier Event: June 14
Cemetery Committee Meeting