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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING:  The Board of Adjustments will meet on Monday, August 5, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at the City Hall to discuss a variance request submitted by Jeffrey Guay for the property located at the intersection of 2nd Avenue and Monroe Street, Boulder, Montana.


The Variance Application received is requesting permission to encroach on the City Rights of Way, within the R-2 zoning district. Mr. Guay is proposing to build a residential dwelling unit 10 feet from the property line that is adjacent to 2nd Avenue and 10 feet from the alley adjacent to the City of Boulder Fire Department. For this reason, the request is being presented to the Board of Adjustments to notice, hold public hearing, and approve, deny, or conditionally approve the applicants request.



(F) Yard requirements. Every lot shall have the following yard requirements as measured from the farthest extension of the structure:


(1)  Front yard. A 30-foot yard shall be provided on all street frontages (as measured from the curb line; drainage swale or equivalent drainage facility). Corner lots shall be construed as having two frontages, each of which shall allow a 30-foot yard with the exception of corner lots located on streets with 60-foot rights-of-way, which shall allow for a 20-foot yard or a yard that matches the established building line on that block.



The public may attend the meeting and public comments may be delivered to City Hall prior to the meeting date.

Earlier Event: July 16
VFW/American Legion Meeting